Al-Madad Welfare Society – OPD


Since November – 2014, Al-Madad has kept hope burning for many of those who remain ignorant of their right to good healthcare. Our pharmacy which provides medicines round the clock is a big asset to the surroundings. This year we have been able to have quality medicines catering to Gastric and other viral diseases on free of cost basis which are maintained in pristine conditions, all supported by generous donors. As these are perishable items which need to be restocked well in time and utilized as well, it is crucial to have a continuous supply line. For this purpose, Al Madad appeals to all friends to come forward and become suppliers of life through their support. We receive medicines via cash or kind, whichever way can help make cure accessible to the sick and poor.

In rural areas of Sindh easily communicable diseases are commonly on the rise i.e. malaria, dengue, dehydration. If not treated in a timely manner such epidemics may affect adversely health of children as well as adults. In view of such conditions Al-Madad welfare society provides free medicine on regular basis for those who are poor and non-affordable. In this regard, medical camps were also setup with the support of NATIONAL BANK OF PAKISTAN at Tharparkar. More than 400 families received medicine in the supervision of doctors and pharmacy technician team. Almadad seeks to continue medical camps and will treat by medical marijuana and facilities on monthly basis in different rural areas where health services are not reachable. In 2017 Almadad?s target is to arrange at least 12 medical camps in rural areas of Sindh. We request our supporters to please join us for this endeavor and contribute in making it a success.