Nutrition Issues in Tharparkar-Sindh

Malnutrition is an indefinite phrase that exhibits some or all nutritional and nourishing food components that are essential for human fitness. Nourishment is instructed for all but school ages are the healthy growing stage of childhood who require sufficient attention in terms of their health. “Eat of what is lawful and wholesome on the earth.

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Water for Life Project -2022

Water is such an important part of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine going without it. Yet, in many parts of the world, people do not have access to clean water. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, over 780 million people do not have access to safe water. This means that they

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The best charity that has everlasting effects The COVID-19 pandemic has not only created a global health crisis but also created a learning crisis across the world for children and adolescents of school-going age. During the first wave of COVID-19, educational systems in most countries including Pakistan were adversely affected as the pandemic prompted country-wide

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Healing the Poor  If you disclose your,(sadaqah) charitable expenditures, they are good, but if you conceal them and give them to the poor, it is better for you, and He will remove from you some of your misdeeds [thereby], And Allah with what you do, is [fully] Acquainted. (Surah Al- Baqarah 2-Ayat 271) The recent

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Goth Nawab Aziz & Jhamrari, District – Mirpurkhas & Umerkot Annual result day is one of the most important functions of a school. It is a memorable event in the history of an institution. It is held and marks the end of the academic year.  At Happy Life School on both locations (Goth Nawab Aziz

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Food Program

QARSHI JAM-E-SHIRIN – Ramadan – 2019 Qarshi Foundation and Al-madad have been associated with a mutual cause which is to bring a difference in the lives of poor and needy people. In Ramadan-2019 distribution of Qarshi Jam-e-Shirin Bottles to more than 800 families in village Jhamrari, Sahib Dino & Goth Nawab Aziz District Umerkot &

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Healthcare in pediatrics-one of the greatest impediments for the poor.   Our country faces the world’s most compromised healthcare which is affecting innumerable individuals both in urban and rural areas.  Weak immune system, inadequate healthcare and lack of proper facilities which can be detrimental to especially children’s chances of survival past childhood and developing to their

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A SPECIAL OCCASION FOR VILLAGE CHILDREN The 12th of the holy month of Rabia ul Awwal is regarded in highest esteem in our nation. Muslims in all communities devote themselves to observing the holy day in their unique manner. People decorate their homes with green emblems representing the special day which is mostly commemorated in

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NEW BLOCK for SCHOOL CHILDREN Jhamrari-Umerkot & Goth Nawab Aziz-Mirpurkhas School buildings are an integral part in the formal & Non-Formal education of the student. They are to be designed and constructed in such a way that will enhance the potential of each student and boost the learning process. It is an important responsibility of the

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INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION AT JHAMRARI & SAMANGOTH VILLAGE District Umerkot & Mirpurkhas Nations celebrate their independence day with great passion, commitment and transformed promise to make their country strong and wealthy. Colorful events are chalked out in a befitting manner to pay respect to those who gave sacrificed for their mother land to give a

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